Downtown Groove

Downtown Groove is the name of our KeeJay combo.   (We aren't quite sure where the term "KeeJay" comes up...our company president takes the credit for that one.)  A KeeJay is somewhat similar to a DJ, except for the live music part.  You are hiring a musician.  Usually this person sings and plays the keyboards and adds tracks in the background; creating the richer, fuller sound you would expect from a band. This is a great option for smaller parties, small spaces, tight budgets...etc

Carla sings “The Power of Love”

Downtown Groove features Carla.  She can be hired alone or with one - five other band members.

Her strong vocals give the effect of having a live entertainer at your event,  at the same time you have the added flexibility and budget of a dj.  The following video shows Carla and a few other musicians.

With Downtown Groove, you have a great deal of flexibility, a big sound and a small group.  This is a great option when space limitations are a concern.


Carla performs the theme from “The Godfather”

To Reserve Downtown Groove for your next party, contact us at:

Entertainment Consultants | Music New Jersey | Joe Verrusio | [email protected] | (P) 908-464-0038 | (P) 908-451-1955

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